When I reflect on this trend, my thoughts go straight to God with this question: "God are you trying to tell us something?" Why are the most vulnerable among us going through so much?
Then I feel as though God is saying, "Do you not see how dependent these little lives are on Me? I have put a tenacity and fight in them to survive this life.” They fight untill the victory comes! They know only that their Creator will not leave them alone in their struggle for their life. It doesn't matter how small they are, they have enough strength to make it.
This realization brought me to my knees in praise and thanksgiving to God. I then began to feel disappointment in myself - I should have known this. I should know that my Maker did not create me to leave me. Of course He loves me and has purpose for me.
Why is it that when we grow up and become adults, we lose our fight to survive our circumstances? Why is it so easy for us to quit? Come on family of God, let us fight for our lives! Let there rise a holy tenacity to live this life that God has given us. Where else will we go we go but to Him?
There is a song and slide show that captures my heart on this. I hope it will move you like it moved me. Click here: The Warrior is a Child
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Pastor Doris Sanchez |
"The Warrior is a Child" by Pastor Doris Sanchez. Doris is an administrator and leads small group and counseling ministries at Family Worship Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Doris, I can agree with you! Jesus said "let the little children come unto me", and I believe that it's our responsibility as Christians to hold these children up in prayer. I am a teacher and I love working with 3 and 4yr. olds, on a daily basis, what a blessing! Children are so vulnerable and need positive role models in their lives! I also work in the danger zone at FWC and those children teach me more than I can teach them!They always have a smile on their face regardless of the circumstances in their lives. A child can bring so much joy into our lives because they don't hold grudges, not are they filled with anger or resentment. The warrior is a chld! Thanks I enjoyed reading your blog! God bless!